Engineering Schools in Virginia
Choosing the right training program for an aspiring engineer in Virginia is very important, and this may be an understatement. This one step alone can determine how successful candidates will be, not just in the short term but in the long term.
The list below explores some of the most suitable destinations for aspiring engineers looking specifically for a bachelor’s degree program to start their careers in Virginia. We explore some of the state’s top schools, considering factors such as coursework, accreditation, instructors, and facilities.
For candidates looking for online options, we also provide a few options.
As for career growth opportunities, candidates will be glad to know that they can secure membership with organizations such as the Virginia Society of Professional Engineers and the Virginia Society of Healthcare Engineers for more career opportunities.
Engineering Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Virginia - Online
Virginia’s most notable online engineering bachelor’s degree programs are the following.
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA Online + Campus
Old Dominion University in Norfolk welcomes aspiring computer engineers who wish to acquire their degrees online. The school offers a comprehensive, hands-on program that allows candidates to develop valuable skills in various relevant areas.
$250 - $439 per CreditContact
Gornto Hall, Norfolk, VA 23529
(800) 482-3957
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA Online + Campus
At George Mason University in Fairfax, aspiring computer engineers may pursue an online bachelor's degree program in information technology. The program is known to incorporate several opportunities for hands-on training, helping students develop crucial skills in network and telecommunications, database management, project management, and systems analysis, among others.
$585 - $1,536 per CreditContact
4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, MSN 6A7
(703) 993-8978
Engineering Bachelor’s Degree Programs in Virginia - On-Campus
The following are some prominent on-campus engineering bachelor’s degree programs in Virginia.
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Online + Campus
University of Virginia's main campus, Charlottesville, has several top-quality engineering programs. Through these, students may earn a bachelor of science degree and, most importantly, learn the skills needed to succeed.
$17,798 - $52,394Contact
Thornton Hall, 351 McCormick Road, Charlottesville, VA 22904
(434) 924-3072
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA Online + Campus
Virginia Tech boasts a wonderful engineering faculty that has produced numerous successful graduates across various engineering specialties. Popular options available here include civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, computer engineering, and chemical engineering.
$14,960 - $32,835Contact
Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States
(540) 231-6267